Thursday, September 18, 2008

Reminder Systems in the Law Office

To Legal Professionals:

Is the reminder system in your office paper or computerized or a combination? What kinds of items are put into a reminder system? How important is keeping a reminder system? What have you done as a legal professional to help you remember deadlines and details?


Katie Johnson said...

The reminder system is paper. There is a whole filing system split into months and then again into everyday of that month. Little note cards with information can be put into each day in order to remind yourself two months from that that you need to finish a certain document or whatever. As long as you always put reminder cards in the correct days for everything that is important to rememver, and check it everyday, then you shouldn't lose track of things and hopefully complete crucial deadlines successfully! Different offices have varied systems of the reminder system, just find one that works for you.

emilynachreiner said...

I think the filing system split into months and everyday of the months would be a very organized way to keep track of things due, if you keep up with checking it everyday. I personally think I would like this way versus the computerized way.

annalise h. said...

I also agree that this way seems better, I don't think that I would like the computerized way better. I love having my things organized, so this would be a great tool (idea) to have.

Kate said...

Out of all of the reminder systems, I think that I would like the manual tickler system the best. I just think that it would be way more convenient than the other ways.

Kate said...

Are reminder systems mostly for the dates of court cases and deadlines for certain documents, or do you put everything that needs to be done for the day in there also?

ofelia said...

Is that true that you have reminders of things that need to be done two months from now?? Wow that's surprising to me...

Emily said...

In my office we use all paper. Each person takes care of their own reminders. The court system takes care of the court calendar by paper. Our civil process person takes care of all her foreclosure sales on paper also. She has paper reminders for all the way to December already.

Amy Meffert said...

In our office, it is computerized. We use it for appointments, deadlines, items/documents we have requested from clients, attorneys, medical providers, etc., and also as a reminder to do something on a specific file. I make sure to put a mark up in every file when I do something so the attorneys, paralegals, and other secretaries know exactly what has been done and what are waiting for.

Jessica H said...

Do you ever use a personal reminder system (as a back-up) like one found in outlook, where a message appears reminding you something has to be completed and you have the option of reminding you in an hour or dismissing the whole message.

tosharykhus said...

For those who have used both paper and computer systems, which do you find most helpful? Which is easiest to use?

Anonymous said...

I think computer would be way easier and convenient. Why do you prefer paper?

Anonymous said...

Do you ever schedule something on paper, and then accidentally over schedule it with something else?

Taylor S said...

What happens if you fall behind on your deadlines? Do you have to work more hours to catch up or just work harder in the hours you were already working?

Gabrielle said...

After reading throught the chapter i think i would use the Manual Tickler System. I just seems like it would be easier as long as you do the updates.

Jenna K said...

Yea I agree that the tickler file might help me to be more organized. I work better hands on so doing it by myself would be a benefit to me.

Susan H said...

My law office has ten attorneys. Everyone has their own way of tickling files. The way I have been doing it for 30 years is on paper. I have a table in Word called "update list for attorney (use attorney name)" with three columns for the file name, the tickle date, and the work to do on that new date. Each time I work on a file I enter it into the table. For example, if I send out interrogatories then I put in a reminder date for about 35 or 40 days to see if the responses have come in. I put court scheduling orders in there as well. I always make a reminder date for a file to at least review the status of it every 30 days. I never put a file away unless it has a reminder date of some sort on it. If you enter all the dates using the same format then you can sort the list by date and print it out on a weekly basis each Monday morning for the attorney so you both know what needs to be done that week. Some attorneys use the Outlook task list and they like that just fine. I guess you should try it several ways and see what works for you and learn the preferences of the attorney. The most important thing is that a reminder date is made.

kyla said...

i think i would prefer to have the reminder system on paper.i would be to scared to have it computerized because you could loose things. i think its a great way to keep track of things having a card that tells you everything that needs to be done that day would be wonderful. you would jus need to got in the habit of checking everyday, its nice to have a checklist for tasks.

Anonymous said...

I would prefer to have a computerized reminder system. The reason for this would be that I would be able to put automatic reminders on them I could either have them e-mailed or with a sound depending on what type of program it would be running on. I would be able to set reminders for a few days ahead or a few hours ahead.

Unknown said...

i myself would prefer to have it in the computer. The computer is a very helpful system now days. You can have your date reminders sent to your phones. And me and paper sometimes dont really get along sort of speak.

Mallory K. said...

spliting them up into months and then into days would be the best way for me cause it is just like having notes almost. I would do it the paper way

Jenna C said...

I like the paper file reminder system that is seperated into months and then into each day of the month. Has it ever happened where you have put a reminder in the wrong slot and then missed a deadline?

Jenna C said...

I like the paper system better personally. I currently use my outlook calendar for reminders but if I cam working on something I just hit dismiss and if I did this otherwise I would forget about my reminder.

KerriLu said...

I personally think I would prefer to use the Manual Tickler System better than the others. It would make meeting deadlines so much easier.

novotp said...

I would like to use the manual tickler because for me i think it would be alot easier for me to use. It would also be more convenient for me as well.

Amy Uhrich said...

I guess that a paper form can be more personal and easy to update but I would think a computerized one could have reminders set so that you don't forget.

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